ꯐꯥꯏꯜ:Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures; The Yellow Emperor Wellcome L0039314.jpg
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꯲꯳:꯰꯰, ꯱꯲ ꯖꯨꯂꯥꯏ ꯲꯰꯱꯴ | ২,০৬৯ × ৩,১০৪ (৫.৮৯ MB) | Faebot | Crop bottom 26 pixels to remove watermark (2069x3104) | ||
꯱꯹:꯱꯵, ꯱꯲ ꯖꯨꯂꯥꯏ ꯲꯰꯱꯴ | ২,০৬৯ × ৩,১৩০ (২.৯৬ MB) | Fæ | {{watermark}} =={{int:filedesc}}== {{Artwork |artist = |author =Gan Bozong (Tang period, 618-907) |title =Chinese woodcut, Famous medical figures: The Yellow Emperor |description =One of a series of woodcuts... |
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