ꯑꯠꯂꯥꯟꯇꯤꯛ ꯏꯔꯦꯟꯄꯨꯡ

ꯃꯥꯂꯦꯝꯁꯤꯗ ꯂꯩꯕ ꯏꯔꯦꯟꯄꯨꯡ
(ꯑꯠꯂꯥꯟꯇꯤꯛ ꯏꯄꯥꯛ-ꯑꯆꯧꯕ ꯗꯒꯤ ꯑꯃꯨꯛꯍꯟꯂꯛꯄ)

ꯑꯠꯂꯥꯟꯇꯤꯛ ꯏꯔꯦꯟꯄꯨꯡ ꯅꯠꯇ꯭ꯔꯒ ꯑꯠꯂꯥꯟꯇꯤꯛ ꯏꯄꯥꯛ-ꯑꯆꯧꯕ ꯍꯥꯏꯕꯁꯤ ꯏꯁꯤꯡ ꯏꯄꯥꯛ ꯀꯌꯥꯃꯔꯣꯝ ꯄꯨꯟꯁꯤꯟꯂꯒ ꯁꯦꯝꯕꯅꯤ ꯫

ꯑꯠꯂꯥꯟꯇꯤꯛ ꯏꯄꯥꯛ-ꯑꯆꯧꯕ
Map of the Atlantic Ocean
ꯀꯣꯑꯣꯔꯗꯤꯅꯦꯠꯁ0°N 25°W / 0°N 25°W / 0; -25ꯀꯣꯑꯣꯔꯗꯤꯅꯦꯠꯁ: 0°N 25°W / 0°N 25°W / 0; -25[]
ꯕꯦꯁꯤꯟ ꯂꯩꯄꯥꯛꯁꯤꯡList of countries, ports
Surface area꯱꯰,꯶꯴,꯶꯰,꯰꯰꯰ ꯀꯤm2 (꯱.꯱꯴꯵꯹×꯱꯰꯱꯵ sq ft)[][]
North Atlantic: ꯴,꯱꯴,꯹꯰,꯰꯰꯰ ꯀꯤm2 (꯴.꯴꯶꯶×꯱꯰꯱꯴ sq ft),
South Atlantic ꯴,꯰꯲,꯷꯰,꯰꯰꯰ ꯀꯤm2 (꯴.꯳꯳꯵×꯱꯰꯱꯴ sq ft)[]
ꯑꯔꯨꯕ ꯃꯌꯥꯏꯑꯣꯏꯔꯞ꯳,꯶꯴꯶ m (꯱꯱,꯹꯶꯲ ft)[]
ꯌꯥꯝꯅꯥ ꯂꯨꯕPuerto Rico Trench
꯸,꯳꯷꯶ m (꯲꯷,꯴꯸꯰ ft)[]
Water volume꯳꯱,꯰꯴,꯱꯰,꯹꯰꯰ ꯀꯤm3 (꯱.꯰꯹꯶꯲꯰꯶×꯱꯰꯱꯹ cu ft)[]
Shore length1꯱,꯱꯱,꯸꯶꯶ ꯀꯤm (꯳꯶,꯷꯰,꯱꯴,꯰꯰꯰ ft) including marginal seas[]
ꯏꯊꯠꯁꯤꯡList of islands
TrenchesPuerto Rico; South Sandwich; Romanche
1 Shore length is not a well-defined measure.
This video was taken by the crew of Expedition 29 on board the ISS. The pass starts from just northeast of the island of Newfoundland over the North Atlantic Ocean to central Africa, over South Sudan.

ꯃꯇꯦꯡ ꯂꯧꯔꯛꯐꯝ

  1. ꯱.꯰ ꯱.꯱ Cite ꯑꯔꯥꯟꯕ: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named CIA-World
  2. Cite ꯑꯔꯥꯟꯕ: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named NOAA-how-big
  3. Cite ꯑꯔꯥꯟꯕ: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named Atlantic Ocean – Britannica
  4. ꯴.꯰ ꯴.꯱ ꯴.꯲ Cite ꯑꯔꯥꯟꯕ: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named ETOPO1