ꯐꯥꯏꯜ ꯑꯁꯦꯡꯕ (১,২০০ × ৮৩১ ꯄꯤꯛꯆꯦꯜꯁ, ꯐꯥꯏꯜ ꯆꯥꯎꯕꯒꯤ ꯆꯥꯡ: ২০৪ KB, MIME ꯃꯈꯜ: image/png)

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English: Stylized forget-me-not flower was selected as the symbol and "I Remember and Demand!" as the slogan of the Centennial Commemorations.
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creator ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

copyright status ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

copyrighted ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

source of file ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

inception ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

꯲꯲ ꯖꯥꯅꯨꯋꯥꯔꯤ 2022

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208674 byte

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831 pixel

width ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

1200 pixel

media type ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ


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