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ꯑꯇꯦꯟꯕꯥ ꯁꯟꯗꯣꯛꯅꯥ ꯇꯥꯛꯄꯥ

ꯁꯟꯗꯣꯛꯅꯥ ꯇꯥꯛꯄꯥ
English: Ox-eye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare).
This photo was taken in a protected area in Canada, Wikidata item
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This image was created with darktable.
ꯄꯨꯊꯣꯛꯂꯤꯕ ꯃꯤ The Cosmonaut
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Camera location৪৪° ০২′ ১৩.০৭″ N, ৭৯° ০২′ ৩৪.৬″ W Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.View this and other nearby images on: OpenStreetMapinfo
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depicts ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

creator ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

some value

copyright status ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

copyrighted ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

captured with ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

Nikon D3300 ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

inception ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

꯲꯴ ꯖꯨꯟ 2017

44°2'13.074"N, 79°2'34.602"W

exposure time ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

0.003125 second

f-number ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ


focal length ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

55 millimetre

ISO speed ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ


instance of ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

photograph ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

source of file ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

media type ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ


data size ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

4149716 byte

height ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

3500 pixel

width ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ

3500 pixel

checksum ꯏꯪꯂꯤꯁ


ꯐꯥꯏꯜꯒꯤ ꯄꯨꯋꯥꯔꯤ

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ꯆꯩꯆꯠ/ꯃꯇꯝꯈꯨꯠꯄꯤꯈꯨꯖꯤꯟꯄꯥꯛ ꯆꯥꯎꯕꯥꯁꯤꯖꯤꯟꯅꯔꯤꯕꯑꯄꯥꯝꯕ ꯐꯣꯡꯗꯣꯛ ꯎ
ꯍꯧꯖꯤꯛꯀꯤ꯲꯰:꯱꯲, ꯳ ꯃꯦ ꯲꯰꯲꯰꯲꯰:꯱꯲, ꯳ ꯃꯦ ꯲꯰꯲꯰ꯒꯤ ꯃꯇꯨꯡ ꯏꯟꯅ ꯊꯝꯅꯦꯜ ꯚꯔꯖꯟ৩,৫০০ × ৩,৫০০ (৩.৯৬ MB)The Cosmonaut== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Ox-eye daisy (''Leucanthemum vulgare'').}} |date=2017-06-24 |Source={{own}}{{Created with darktable}} |Author= The Cosmonaut |Permission={{Cc-by-sa-2.5-ca}} |other versions= }} {{Location dec|44.036965|-79.042945|}} Category:Leucanthemum vulgare Category:Crow's Pass Conservation Area

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ꯃꯥꯂꯦꯝꯒꯤ ꯊꯥꯛꯇꯥ ꯁꯤꯖꯤꯟꯅꯕꯥ ꯐꯥꯏꯜ

ꯃꯁꯤꯒꯤ ꯐꯥꯏꯜ ꯑꯁꯤ ꯃꯈꯥꯒꯤ ꯑꯇꯩ ꯋꯤꯀꯤꯁꯤꯡꯅ ꯁꯤꯖꯤꯟꯅꯩ:


"https://mni.wikipedia.org/wiki/ꯐꯥꯏꯜ:Leucanthemum_vulgare.jpeg" ꯃꯐꯝꯗꯨꯗꯒꯤ ꯂꯧꯈꯠꯂꯛꯄꯥ